Tonewood suppliers since 1994

Drewbas Tonewood is the largest tonewood online store worldwide. ONLINE - We have over 1500 different pieces of various kinds tonewoods in every grade for an unbeatable price. Highest quality of our products and customer service are our top priority. Therefore, we enjoy every time to read the positive feedback from our customers which gives us the confirmation that our company's philosophy is the right one. Also the personal relationship with our customers viaFacebook is really important for us. Facebook is an enrichment for us as a tonewood online store, because through this medium and the exact documentation of some customers, we have the opportunity to follow how our tonewood becomes a masterpiece instrument.
The Company "Drewbas" exists since 1994 on the tonewood market. We are engaged in searching, cutting and selling wood for musical instruments. How are we differ from other tonewood companies?
Well, the wood that we offer, is only the best class and quality.
We sell mainly two species of wood: maple and spruce but have also other types in our assortment.
We collect various types of wood for stringed instruments and others on request.